Sunday, July 26, 2009

I just flew into town and boy are my neighbors naked...

So it is hot here. For Portland, when it gets near 100 degrees we don't handle it well. The tree huggers look for cooler trees. The birds burst into flames in mid-flight. Hummingbirds overheat and Nuns are openly cursing in the streets. Oh, and our neighbors don't wear clothes. This evening (Sunday - the Sabbath of our Lord) our neighbors were in the back yard watering thier plants and playing with their dogs. Now for those of you who have not been to our house (and you know who you are), my house is about 15 feet higher than my back-yard neighbors house. We are on a hill. There is a street between us but we have a rather unobstructed view of our neighbors back yard from the entire south side of our house. This includes our dining room, kitchen, family room and two upstairs bedrooms. The upstairs bedrooms provide a particularly nice birds-eye view. So this eveing we even commented to each other that our neighbors appeared to be relatived well clad , given the heat and the fact that they were in the back yard. I went upstairs to play guitar (upstairs bedroom facing south) and was just getting started when Mr. Happydangler walked out in the back yard sans clothes. His wife was slightly more discreet only because she was not dangling. She was equally unclad and they were having the time of their lives playing with the dogs and barbequing dinner. (For the men reading this I know what you are thinking - Does this not pose an unneccesarily dangerous risk for winky-burns? The hot splatter of barbeque sauce alone causes me to wince.) At any rate we had quite the show for about an hour. Thankfully they finally decided to spend the rest of their quality nude time, QNT, indoors and we have not seen them for the rest of the evening.

Now the question arises - what, if anything, is to be done about all of this? I don't really mind if my neighbors are nudists. Let them run around naked all they want. My kids are old enough and I could really care less. Now our other neighhbors have young kids but they can raise thier concerns if they want. The only thing I might object to is - what if I decide I need to sell my house anytime soon. I would like to talk to them and create some sort of signal that indicates we are showing the house and could you please cover your naughty bits until the signal changes. Possibly a flag that is noticeable from our house to theirs. Or maybe a light in the shape of naked older droopy people. It would be like the Bat Light except much worse. Perhaps just the flag.

So there you have it. Naked neighbors. Life is that exciting in Portland, They should sell tickets.


Lisa B. said...

You could make a little movie, post it on YouTube, then send the link to your neighbors? I'm not sure it would help on the house-selling front (by the way, are you planning to sell your house? more info on that, please), but it would be fun anyway. You could call the movie "Here's what I can see from every south-facing window in my house." Or, alternatively, "Mr. Happydangler: a cautionary tale about nude barbecuing and winkie burns." The possibilities are rife.

Lesley said...

We definitely need to come visit!

DiaNe said...

I didn't know his last name until I read this post. With a last name like HappyDangler, what were his ancestors expecting?